Sunday, May 30, 2010

Love Hurts

You told me that you loved me
why did you leave me to cry in the cold
you swore this time was different
why does that line seem so old

You told me I was the only one
who could make you feel that way
you told me that you cared about me
so why didnt you stay

All the nights you laid with me
alone in the dark in my bed
now I finally realize
you were just messing with my head

Love is such a powerful word
a word people often misuse
something they take for granted
something they beat and abuse

My wounds run deep inside me
there's blood all over the place
I think I’ve really lost it this time
Im ashamed to show my face

Diary of a Broken Heart

We were just friends at the start,
Always having fun, never apart
Then one day, something sparked
The next thing I knew, you had my heart.

The days flew by,
I lost track of time
Everytime I was with you,
I was on cloud nine.

Then one day, you asked me to be your girlfriend
I exclaimed, yes! and prayed we'd last until the very end.
No one could look into my eyes and say I wasn't happy,
Happy that I was with you, and you were with me.

With me in your arms, you told me you loved me,
Then gently kissed my forehead and gave me a squeeze.
I was convinced you were the one for me,
Apart from you, I would never be.

Just when I thought all was well,
Was when you began to put me through hell.
You said, we should just be friends
That's when I knew it was the end.

I looked into your eyes, trying to find out why,
It was all I could do, not to begin to cry.
Where I once saw love, I saw nothing,
I couldn't believe you no longer felt something.

I lay in bed, counting my tears,
Each representing what I'd hoped would be years.
Years of happiness, for us to be together,
A long-lived life, forever and ever.

But in my heart, I know this will never be,
For in yours, no longer is there a place for me.
I gave you my all; I gave you my heart,
Little did I know that you'd tear it apart.

Everyday I place a smile on my face,
As for tears, there is not a trace.
You ripped me apart, but yet it's true,
Forever and always, I'll still love you