Saturday, July 31, 2010

Angel of my stolen heart

This is a true story of a girl and a boy...

she doesnt know where to start and what to say about this special person she met in my life. He was just a stranger to her told by a friend of her's. She knew his name but she have never seen him but sooner or latershe became chat friends with him.

she was wondering how shall i put it into words, it's hard to explain! he is just that perfect guy that a girl always dream before she goes to bed. It didnt matter at that time as they were only friends. they became close day by day and finally one day unknowingly she fell inlove with that boy yet she knew it's not gonna happen and as she knew it didnt happen, but they never fail to be close, they became more closer than any best friend could in this world unknowingly he hurts her alot yet the pain he gave didnt matter much to her cause she loved him more then the pain..he knew she loved him but he still tell's her all the crushes he has on girls knowing he is hurting her but he had no choice because she was the only one that was so close to her and he felt free to talk fine day he told her "" i have been liking u for a very long time but i didnt think about it much cause something in me was stoping me from telling u...but eventually one beautiful day he told his love to her, we fell deeply in love madly in love and it was like heaven being with him..after 3 days of being together they decided to go out they went to the cinema, they kissed, hug and she gave so much love and all the love she had evnthoungh she had a broken heart..afta the day was over he send her back and she reiceved a sms from the boy..i need to tell u something and her heart was pounding so far and she could hardly breath she was so afraid of rejection and as she thought he told her i m sorry i think we shud stay as friends i cnt b wif u any longer coz i fell that being single is all i want as my ex as messed my life...she was badly broken she cried she pleaded him coz the pain was jus to real she cudnt imagine it ended so fast..and he they are like complete strangers total ignorance..he never call's her never smses her even wen he is online he never say's doin this he think's she will move on but he dosent know tat it hurts her so badly that she is dying every second loving him more..she will wait, wait her life time for him praying n hoping for him to come back one day..he is just a simple great guy who she wants an angel who stole her heart and left her in this pain..dear angel where ever u are ill b waiting and praying that u will be mine for ever...

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